sestina carotid
sestina carotid foray;
sestina foray allotment
sestina kilter nonagon
nonagon off-white sestina kilter
harp nonce
harp sophisticate
harp milligram majuscule
harp ripchord
harp grist shark;
shark quaint scot,
shark sorbet perm
shark j-bird sopwith
shark heart j-bird
shark wristed friar
twisted malingerer anon
shark head yup beast
sharked it all ulalume
junk said go there
junk hat doggerel
junk hat sad face
icy fingered tip
ice hat finger tip
tippy sad face hat
proper gurney wrapping
proper hats and sashes
proper hats and sashes twice;
hats and sashes slowdance
hats and sashes everywhere,
hats and sashes click
hats and masks and sashes, wow
hats and ices
jump into the chimp pit
chimp pit satisfaction
chimp hat shark head
chimp hat ice finger
chimp hat in the chimp pit
down pat
down pat gp
down pat chimp hat
down pat grabass
down pat chimp hat
down pat sassafras
down pat chimp hat
down pat no cat
down pat chimp hat
down pat with some of that
down pat chimp hat
down pat like frog;
frog volume
frog lash lush
frog exasperate frog
frog lash down pat
treewhore twist;
treewhore none
treewhore frog
treewhore fighter
treewhore v-day
treeshow in pajama twice
tree in bison
tree in chimp hat